Simon Willison's blogmarks, a collection of links to interesting things on the web. One of the original inspirations for this site, specifically the links section.
An awesome web app to view and edit GPX files, including some of the files on this site.
ArcGIS Feature Service for US National Forest trails. The parent USDA ArcGIS server has many other useful layers.
A beautiful developer bog by Alistair Shepherd, a data visualization specialist and cartographer based in London. He has worked with clients such as the BBC, the Guardian, and the Financial Times.
A curation of mostly historical illustrations, each with a choice of image size as well as complete source information.
Lisa Morales is a mixed media artist based in New York City. Her work is inspired by the natural world and the human experience. She has exhibited in galleries and museums in New York City, Los Angeles, and Miami.
A research agency based at Goldsmiths, University of London, whose mandate is to develop, employ, and disseminate new techniques, methods, and concepts for investigating state and corporate violence. Their team includes architects, software developers, filmmakers, investigative journalists, scientists, and lawyers.
Various methods to generate random passwords.
Data visualization specialist portfolio. Begley's work has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Guardian, New York Magazine, and at the New Museum of Contemporary Art
A blog from a web developer with focus on geospatial, data visualization and more. Part of the inspiration for this site.
pg_parquet is a PostgreSQL extension that allows you to read and write Parquet files, which are located in S3 or file system, from PostgreSQL via COPY TO/FROM commands. It depends on Apache Arrow project to read and write Parquet files and pgrx project to extend PostgreSQL's COPY command.
A map-focused blog with tutorials on map making and a shop with digital downloads available of countour and figure-ground building maps of various cities.